All About TikTok Analytics
In the absence of our awareness, in addition to prominent and well-known positions in the world of digital another one was developed for him: digital analyst. You might have also seen the numerous advertisements that are needed on the market, especially in media companies, advertising agencies corporations and big organizations. What is it that makes the job so sought-after? for who would it be suitable and what are the minimum you could make?
It was only a decade ago that digital technology was introduced into our lives, however, it has continued to transform our lives, and also the latest and most demanded careers. Jobs like PPC campaign manager and content manager began to pop up and demand for these jobs flooded the work market. No matter if we’re browsing on desktop or mobile devices our digital footprints are left everywhere. This is among the primary reasons that digital technology allows for measurable data and also the rise of the person who is responsible for this analysis that is called the digital analyst.
So , what exactly can a digital analyst do?
Brands invest tens of thousands, and even thousands of dollars on marketing and advertising budgets, and they invest countless time in human capital as well as suppliers’ work. But if they don’t understand how to gauge their effectiveness or return on investment (return on investment) – they’re actually only working half of the time.
This is when the role of digital analyst enters the picture. Digital analysts are an essential part of every department of the digital. This role can help you monitor and simplify the work of marketing departments from small to big such as tracking website traffic, or measuring the effectiveness of a Facebook campaign, to assessing major changes that impact every digital asset and the business. The aim is to understand how to evaluate and evaluate every marketing activity in the context of a comprehensive picture.
Digital analysts work on daily basis with tools like Google analytics, Google tag manager, Google data studio. Utilizing these tools requires an extremely technological outlook and the ability to comprehend specifics.
As this is a job in the realm of analysis and data analysis, the job of digital analysts is carried out in a numerical setting which is why a love for figures and information is crucial. You must be able to deal with numbers and know the meaning behind them, and know how to spot the most significant trends in time, and then inundate them with information from marketers.
Who’s it for?
1. Digital professionals who are hands-on and want to grow and become digital analysts. The biggest advantage they have is that they are able to use technical jargon, the understanding of digital marketing, and knowledge of advertising systems, making them more sought-after by employers. Digital analysts with two years of expertise purchasing the tools and then make the switch to digital analysts, can earn as little as NIS 15,000 per month for the initial year.
2. Anyone who is looking for a junior role without prior experience they are able to obtain tools via a professional training course and can apply for posts that usually begin in the advertising industry (supplier part) and, later on, grow and be promoted to department or team management, or even move to the clients side. Digital analysts who are in junior positions are likely make between NIS 10,000-8,000 per month for the initial year.
3. Offline advertising individuals who want to grow and go further into the digital realms clients managers, supervisors planners, budgeters, and many more. Their benefit is that they have previous an understanding and knowledge of the realms of marketing and advertising, and by using the digital tools they will be able to pursue an entirely new job. Offline advertising professionals who switch to digital are capable of earning NIS 10,000 per month over the initial year.
4. Financial analysts and marketing analysts who are looking to make a professional shift into digital analyst. Even though they have jobs in other sectors, it’s important to undergo the digital supplementation and master the tools of digital technology required for market analysts. As this change is considered an official retraining for professionals that must be taken into consideration that there could be a slight reduction in the wages. An analyst with a digital background who was previously a financial or marketing analyst can earn a starting salary of NIS $10,000 per month during the initial year.
Naturally, after the initial year, and in particular because of the experience gained in the position, salaries will increase by 13% – 15 percent.
Where can you find digital analysis?
Digitalent’s Digital Analysis Executive Course at Digitalent is the only program on marketplace that offers all the tools required to be successful in the field for the role that is Digital Analyst. The tools you learn about in the course are carefully selected , and the course is developed in accordance with the demands of employers and their collaboration so that we can train in the most precise and efficient manner, and aid our students in integrating into the numerous job opportunities which are waiting for them.
In this course, we will learn to understand the process that visitors take through the web and we will know how they access the digital assets of the brand (websites and landing pages etc. ) and how they behave there, and what drives them. We will discover how to develop the measurement and control systems across the different systems, to make decisions based on data and information on the ground.
What’s unique about this course?
Analytical systems through hands-on training rather than learning through theory
Practical project to build an measurement system that runs from A to T on one of the sites
Workshops for practical use for applying the knowledge that was learned in the classes.
The director who is a professional and the senior lecturer of the class will be Danny Cherniak, director of the department of analysis of “Control”, a company that specializes in controlling media and was the previously director of the department for analysis of Go Interactions, with many years of experience within the field of digital-digital analysis. Danny is supported by a team of experts, who meet to expand their minds and share measures that have been used to enhance the marketing process in top companies in the field: Playbuzz, McCANN, GO Interaction, Ynet, and many more.